What We Do

Divyam Family Counselling

In order to create healthy families in the community, Divyam Family Counselling provides help to solve issues related to interposal relationship in families. We also give legal advice especially to women and children in need, primarily those who have been victims of domestic violence and family disputes. We also give proper directions and counselling for those addicted to alcohol or suffering from mental or emotional disorder.

Divyam Palliative Care

Divyam Palliative is actively involved in palliative care service since January 2018. A professional Palliative Team with committed volunteers is providing care for around 200 critical patients in the vicinity of Thodupuzha. The main focus area of Divyam Palliative care is rural areas where the availability of appropriate holistic palliative care services which include effective pain relief and symptom management is non-existent. We are currently operating in our own Village of Kumaramangalam in Idukki District of Kerala. But our aim is to expand further into the nearby Villages and the Town. Our approach aims to provide holistic, family-centered support for these communities. For the patients themselves, we try to improve their quality of life, guaranteeing medical support, insuring social inclusion creating a strong network around them, especially from their neighbourhood who are capable of providing the essentials, as well as providing psychological and spiritual support. Our aim is to relieve pain and suffering from the patient and their families by assuring the best patient care possible. This helps not only to relieve physical suffering from the patients, but provide them with support to avoid other illness linked with a lack of effective palliative care, such as depression that could lead to an early death.

Environment Protection through Organic Farming and Allied Activities

This project envisages to preserve and protect the environment and propagate the significance of sustainable development for maintaining ecological balance. We do this by promoting Organic Farming and Allied Activities (e.g.: Animal husbandry, Aviculture, Aqua Cultureetc.) thus conserving natural resources and limiting the carbon footprint.

Source Level Bio waste treatment using black soldier flies and safeguarding nature

Divyam Foundation is committed to keep the society plastic free and waste free.In order to work towards Zero Waste and to implement the concept of ‘waste into resource’, Divyam Foundation has introduced Bio Pod with Black Soldier Flies, Bio Gas Plants, Compositing Units, Organic Fertilizer Units etc. by using both natural and scientific technology which is environmental friendly.

The desire for value addition to the organic waste expelled from households and institutions at Kumaramangalam village in Thodupuzha using the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) process, as well as the problem of the escalating demand for protein in livestock and fish feed motivated the development of this model.

Good quality crop land is devoted to growing feed for animals at the expense of human food, and ironically with a full understanding of the associated environmental footprints. Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) feed on organic waste voraciously while building their body composition of 40% protein and 30% fat. Their protein can be used in animal feedstock and pet food, replacing the more expensive but nutritionally comparable fish feed. They can also reduce a waste pile significantly, minimizing possible pollution. In this model, the process was tried on various waste streams (fruits, manure and ‘slurry reject’) at households where there is limited space

Divyam Garden

In order to grow and eat locally grown healthy food we have focussed on Organic Farming.As a concrete step, we have focussed on the holistic wellbeing of vulnerable residents at the various rehabilitation centres especially at Mylacombu by enabling them to get acquainted with nature to improve their physical, mental and emotional health. This will definitely boost their self-worth and self-confidence and also will pave the way for sustainable income.

Flower Pots made of Cement and Fiber

We make Cement and Fiber Flower Pots by using the man power available at the rehabilitation centers. At present we run a project at Divyarakshalayam, where a few recovered / recovering psychiatric residents are actively involved in this project.

Divyam Farm

Activities like Animal Husbandry and Aviculture will be a blessing to the residents who are constrained to be shut within the four walls day in and day out. This project will help the residents to come in contact with nature and thus help in the healing process of their body and mind

Birds’ and Animals’ Cages

Quality birds’ animals’ cages are in great demand today. Currently we use the man power at Divyarakshalayam to make these cages with wood or steel or even fiber. While rearing domestic birds and animals, it is also good to produce its cages for our own use as well as for sale


The Aquaculture Project led by Divyam Foundation aims at the sustainable rehabilitation of the disabled population at Divyarakshalayam. It also aims at the sustainable livelihood programs for the poor and lower income groups in the society. This project can be an income generating project even for small household during this COVID 19 pandemic period.

Aquarium, Fish Tanks and Fish Ponds

We creatively utilize our manpower by making aquarium with glass and fiber. We also make Fish Tanks and Fish Ponds with cement or fiber for domestic and commercial use.

Value Addition through D’Fresh

As part of the rehabilitation activities among the vulnerable people, we help number of rehabilitation centers and unemployed women in the vicinity of Thodupuzha to make food products like pickle; jam, chapatis etc. as livelihood sustainability program

Women Empowerment and Livelihood Program

Divyam Foundation is committed to work for uplifting the status of women in the society by providing Social, Educational, Spiritual and Economic Empowerment to Women. As a concrete plan we are in negotiation with other donor agencies to support destitute women to provide them with Rs. 30,000 to 50,000 as a revolving fund with which they can start a small livelihood project of their interest

Sustainable Rehabilitation and Livelihood Projects

This Project is both community based and institution based, aims at the social and economic wellbeing of the most vulnerable and economically marginalized people is the society. For this purpose, the Society focuses on different rehabilitation and livelihood programs and as a piolet project we have selected Divyarakshalayam (Psycho Social Rehabilitation), Mother and Child Foundation (Destitute Mothers and Orphan Children) and Prathyasha Bhavan (De-addiction Centre for Alcoholics). We also look at it as an employment opportunity for the many unemployed people in the locality, thus alleviate poverty in the grass root level

Divyam Fiber Unit

The world of Fiber Glass is quite amazing. It has got limitless scopes in art, construction, furniture manufacturing etc. The aim of the project is to create employment opportunities for unemployed people in the locality and to make the residents at various rehabilitation centres at Thodupuzha to get involved in certain activities which can ventilate their stress and emotions. The Fiber Unit produces religious statues, home altars, flower vases, flower pots, interior decorative items, roofing materials, ceiling items, window frames, fiber doors etc.

Divyam Carpentry

The Carpentry Unit right now is focusing on Christian religious products and is making wooden carved statues, plaques, home alters etc. A few recovered mental patients from Divyarakshalayam and a few sober alcoholics from Prathyasha Bhavan are also working in this unit.


We have started an art gallery at Thodupuzha where you can buy quality art and craft items including religious statues, home altars, indoor plants, paintings etc. We collect natural paintings from the artisans who are unorganized and provide them an opportunity to condut exhibitions and sales at D’art. Most of the products available at the art gallery come from different rehabilitation centres and orphanages across the state. D’art sell these quality products and help the vulnerable people in the society to achieve dignity, self-worth and financial sustainability.